The Book is Better


Welcome to the website of Bellettrie. We are a library for students, managed by students. You will find us in the Bastille, next to the Union Shop. In addition to the library we accommodate an Anime and Japanese Cultural Association. For a list of events in our room, check out our Google Calendar.

Opening Hours

Outside university holidays, we are guaranteed to be open during the following hours:

Monday - FridayWeekends
12:45-13:30 No guaranteed times

Are we Open?
The Drakenkelder is open!

Find a Book
Browse our books

Our Collection

We have well over 10 000 books, spanning multiple exciting categories. We have a lot of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and also a collection of Comic Books and Manga. For people who read in Dutch, we also have a large section of Dutch literature, and traditional Belgian comics (stripboeken). The Belgian comics are also a great way to learn Dutch.

  • Lustrum
    17th and 18th of may we will be celebrating Bellettrie's 60th birthday. More info
  • Dance Dance Revolution
    Every Monday (starting 19:00), we play Dance Dance Revolution in the Drakenkelder! We hope to see you there!
  • Writing Evenings
    Every Wednesday (starting 19:00), we have writing evenings. On these evenings, people support each other in writing, and talk about how to write stories.
  • Animarathons
    Every other Friday (starting 19:00), we have anime watching evenings.

Check out the Drakenkelder Discord for more information on these activities.

Short Story Competition!

In 2025 there will be another short story competition at Bellettrie!
See more info here The stories from previous years can be read in our library as well. See them here!